TMJ Exams Multi-Phase and Comprehensive!
Our TMJ exam module, created with the assistance of two very prominent TMJ and Facial Pain expert practitioners, educators and lecturers, provides a thorough, guided examination protocol and fully documents the results of the exam. It was designed to be, and fully meets all requirements for, a true EHR or electronic dental record.
The TMJ Exam module is also perfectly suited for Tablet PC use.
The module includes the following:
- Multi-phase exam guidance and documentation of findings
- Graphic representations of many findings enhances comprehension of findings
- Perfectly suited for use with Tablet PCs
- Includes full image capture and storage for complete records
- Includes full document and communication management support
- Merge letters, prescriptions, etc.
- Legal integrity enables fully electronic dental records
- Integrates with virtually all digital imaging and x-ray systems, as well as many other diagnostic products like the Myotronics K7

For a free demonstration of OmegaPrax Dental, please contact us a 1-800-732-0949 or click the button and send your request electronically.