Clinical Charting Complete and Comprehensive!
Clinical functionality is the difference between dental practice management software that merely reports treatment and supports patient and insurance company billing, and what we have to offer. Built around the need for excellence with patient and treatment charting, clinical notes, reporting, and treatment planning, our comprehensive approach is unmatched still today. No other software system provides the completeness, efficiency, and more important than ever today, legal integrity.
Current mandates for fully functional Electronic Health Records (EHR) and, the migration to Electronic Medical Record (EMR), makes our clinical solutions more important than ever. While it is possible to run a paperless dental office with most any software, it is unlikely your paperless records would be sufficient to create a valid EHR for each of your patients. Our solution has comprehensively addressed the clinician’s needs to meet today’s EHR mandates and the EMR requirements just ahead.

For a free demonstration of OmegaPrax Dental, please contact us a 1-800-732-0949 or click the button and send your request electronically.